A property dispute started in 2015 between the Goundar siblings, Nalina and Regina Goundar, of Auckland, NZ and the plaintiffs, Kulbushan and Jeevan Joshi, of Wellington, NZ . The Goundar siblings put a caveat on the property to stop an unauthorised sale by the Joshis. The Joshis tried to remove the caveat in the high court of Auckland but failed.

The caveat hearing was scheduled in October 2015 and the judgment was passed on November 13, 2015, which went in favour of the Goundars and the caveat was not removed .

The Joshis used the strategy to implicate the licensee real estate business owner, another sibling, Shalendra Goundar, who had no gain from the sale. The Joshis thought implicating the licensee would make the Goundar sisters remove the caveat and not proceed to the high court trial.

The sisters took the Joshis for a 3-day trial in the High Court of Auckland in 2018 and the judgement went in favour of the Goundar siblings again on the 25th of July 2018.

After the favorable High Court ruling, the Goundars were able to claim the property .

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